Monday, 13 January 2014

Camborne Town Councils Shed

A few years ago, when Cornwall Council notified Town and Parish Councils that it intended to devolve some services down to that level Camborne Town Council did a review of it's assets. The Store that we rented was deemed too small to accommodate any growth, and seeing that we had some assets in other storage and some in Councillors garages, we took the decision to look for a new Store. This decision was backed up by a senior Labour member and a senior Conservative member who did a Health and Safety audit on our old Store and found it somewhat lacking. Therefore the Town Clark spent many hours searching for a suitable premises, and She presented a list of options, both rental and to buy. A few members went and looked at all the options available, and then had a meeting to discuss our thoughts. The first set of options was defeated at a Full Council meeting and it was decided to defer a decision until the new Council was formed in May 2013.

When the new Council was formed, we yet again looked at new options, and the Council decided to go ahead with looking into buying a new Store. The was costed by a member, purchase against rental, and it was found that by buying we would save the Rate payers of Camborne £100,000 over twenty five years, and £500,000 over forty years. At a meeting of the Full Council the decision to buy was carried by fourteen votes to three against.

When the news hit the media, Camborne Town Council was accused of doing this all in private. We had thirteen meetings where the matter was discussed, only two were held in private due to the nature of business i.e cost, which has to be held in private. Also as we have bought the property, it is now an asset of the Town. So say if in X amount of years to come we no longer need a Store, Camborne Town Council can sell the property and invest that profit back into the Town for the benefit of the Town.

I have supported this all the way through the process and I truly believe that the right decisions were made all along. What many ordinary people might not realise is that Camborne Town Council, along with all the other Councils have statutory obligations to fulfil. This along with having a duty of care for our employees, along with Health and Safety obligations makes some decisions necessary that might not be popular.


Locum Clark at Camborne

This matter was raised by both Labour and a member of the Trelawney Alliance. Both of these  implied that the chosen person got it due to a friendship with myself, and that it was down to the Buddy factor. Now the truth.
 The Clark of Camborne Town Council gave notice of an extended absence due to illness. It fell on me as Mayor to find alternative arrangements to cover that period. As a member of Cornwall Association of Local Councils, I contacted them to ask if they knew anyone who could supply the cover. Once I had all the information I called a meeting of the Staff Working Party. At this meeting, due to the fact that a friend was on the list suggested by CALC, I declared an interest and left the room (standard practise). The meeting, without me, made a decision with a vote of two for and one against my friend. This decision was then put as an agenda item on the next Full Council meeting. At this meeting I yet again declared my interest and left the room, the meeting voted fourteen for my friend and three against. I had taken NO part in the decision making process at all, as it would of been a breech of the Code of conduct that Councillors work under.
 This of course is on record at Camborne Town Council for anyone to check up on if they so wished.


Thanks to the offers of help, especially the ones for proof readers :-)   I know my English is not very good, I write as i speak mainly.
Before I go onto the real important issues I want to comment on, I shall be putting my perspective on a number of things that have been in the public domain. These revolve mainly around Camborne Town Council, but I feel the need to put the truth out there. So bare with me.

MebyonTories ? an answer

In May 2013 I supported as Deputy Mayor the Tory candidate. Following this I was criticised and an attack on the decision was made by Adam Crickett. The reason I supported Graham Taylor over Val Dalley was quite simple, the way that the Labour group had behaved on the previous Council. There was no agreed agenda with the Tories or any slight on Val who I have known over a number of years. It was simply about Political trust.
 What Adam and the rest of the Labour group should of done is ask themselves why I couldn't support them at that time. Did they or have they?  NO
 Since then I believe I have been totally justified in my decision, as Graham has turned out to be a excellent Deputy Mayor. While the Labour Group has sunk to new lows, that even I could not foresee. Except for Val, not one of them has actually done anything for the Town in my opinion. They seem bent of being a 'strong opposition' which simply means sitting back and waiting to attack everyone else at any opportunity. If that is how they perceive the role of a Councillor, I have to disagree.
 To support a Tory while I am a strong Socialist does go against the grain. However the Tories on Camborne Town Council are decent enough, and although we are opposites in regards to Philosophy they do work hard for the Town. As for New Labour, lets be honest in that their History since Blair has been one of total failure in regards to Socialism.
 Maybe, just maybe, one day they will come to their senses. Only then will we be able to work together. Lets be straight about one thing, as Councillors we are meant to do what is best for the people we represent, NOT Party Political point grabbing.